Murder Mystery Dinner, Nov. 2010

Who did it?  Even Singles can get caught in a web of lies and deception.  Thank Heaven that not all are wicked.  It was an evening of fun and intrigue one not to be missed.

Silver Falls 2010

Exploring the rain forest, the McMinnville Single Adults ventured out to view the ten awsome water falls of Silver Falls State Park.  The hike was breath taking, the company was unmatched, the food was great and you couldn't have asked for better weather.

Ensign Ranch 2010

What is this? McMinnville Single Adults were found acting like kids and building camp fires at the Labor Day weekend camp out.

Ensign Ranch was more than a Dude Ranch with hay rides, horseback riding, white water rafting, canoeing, biking, hiking and water slides. It was jam packed with spiritual firesides, workshops and talks. Let us not forget the social events like dancing, team building courses, service projects and star light walks. And there were many, many more activities not listed here.

With one thousand singles attending this 35th annual event, it became unforgettable.

Single Adults Canoe Trek 2010

Say What? The Single Adults are at it again. They were found drift'n down the Willamette River toward the falls. Thank heaven, some one told them about the Locks. All are safe, except for their fearless leader - he got his bottom wet while explaining what not to do in a canoe 

Yo Ho and a bottle of 7up. Single Adults spent the weekend on the coast. The weather was great and the food was excellent. -- A fun time was had by all.

Square Dance

Yee Haw and a Do Sa Do, the McMinnville Single Adults were found kicking up their feet and enjoying Valentines. Randy Dibble calling with everyone joining in and having fun.

White River Sledding 2010

McMinnville Stake Single Adults were found having fun on Mt Hood at White River. It was reported that there were many well seasoned people acting like teenagers.

Come join and have fun in upcoming activities.

Exploring Caves 2010

Exploring the depths of Mt St Helens, the McMinnville Single Adults were found lurking in the Ape Caves. After trudging through snow to reach the opening and hours of wondering through darkness and drippng water, it was said, we were only having fun.

Single Adult Family Home Evening

At least once a month we gather at a home, park or chapel to share a pot luck dinner, spiritual thought and a fun activity. It is held mostly on the second Monday of the month.  Be sure to check the calendar for date, time, location and type of event.